Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Vedete care poarta tinute tricotate (RO)

Imi plac tinutele crosetate/tricotate modern.Iata cateva exemple:

 Cameron Diaz
 Jenniffer Anniston
 Jenniffer Anniston
 Kate Hudson
 Paris Hilton
 Printesa Charlene de Monaco
 Modelul rus Irinia Shayk
 Modelul rus Irina Shayk

Shania Twain

 Sarah Jessica Parker
 Taylor Swift
Taylor Swift

Celebrities wearing crochet (EN)

I like stylish knitted outfits. Here are several examples:

 Jenniffer Anniston
  Jenniffer Anniston

 Kate Hudson
 Paris Hilton
 Princess Charlene de Moncao
 Russian model Irina Shayk
 Russian model Irina Shayk
 Sarah Jessica Parker
 Shania Twain
 Sarah Jessica Parker
 Taylor Swift
 Taylor Swift
Cameron Diaz

Beneficiile tricotatului (RO)

Tricotatul sau crosetatul este adesea asociat cu o activitate demodata, de aceea unele persoane pot respinge ideea. Dar daca ne folosim imaginatia putem crea lucruri deosebite: moderne si de buna calitate.

  De exmplu, eu am inceput sa tricotez cand am realizat ca majoritatea puloverelor mele erau de proasta calitate: dupa cateva spalari aratau scamosate.
Am inceput sa tricotez cu ceva simplu: un fular. Am cumparat un fir deosebit iar rezultatul a fost surprinzator.
Arata extrem de modern iar aprecierile pe care le-am primit au fost pozitive (chiar daca nu lucrasem de foarte mult timp).

A fost o experienta care mi-a adus cateva beneficii si m-a facut sa continui:

1. Tricotatul inseamna distractie
Alegerea firelor si combinarea culorilor poate fi foarte distractiva. Eu ma simt ca un copil care isi alege jucariile, mai ales ca in ziua de azi exista pe piata foarte multe tipuri de fire. E o placere sa le tricotezi!

2. O mare satisfactie
 In general, un proiect terminat iti ofera sentimentul ca ai realizat ceva si ajuta foarte mult la stima de sine.

3. Distragere de la TV/ PC
Cand ajung acasa de la munca sunt foarte tentata sa deshid televizorul sau sa stau multe ore pe calculator. De multe ori ma simt obosita si am senzatia ca am pierdut timpul.
Combin o sesiune de tricotat cu niste muzica buna sau ascult un audiobook si ma bucur foarte tare de moment.

4. Reduce stresul si are valoare terapeutica
E demonstrat stiintific ca tricotatul actioneaza ca un antidepresiv. De multe ori nu dam seama ca ne umplem mintea cu ganduri inutile fara a avea ceva specific pe care sa ne concentram.Cand gasim ceva care ni place, ne focusam pe acel lucru si alte probleme tind sa dispara sau sa se diminueze. Doar mutandu-ti atentia pe altceva, pune celelalte lucruri in umbra.

Alte beneficii:

5. Am facut cateva cautari pe internet si am gasit ca sunt studii care demonstreaza ca practicarea unui hobby protejeaza creierului de efectele imbatranirii.

6. Posibilitatea de a socializa
Poti intalni persoane cu aceleasi pasiuni ca si tine.

Bucura-te de tricotat!

Knitting benefits (EN)

Knitting or crocheting is often associated with old-time activities and people may avoid it.
But if we use our imagination there can be obtained exquisite things: very good quality products and modern designs.
For example, I began to knit when I realized that the great majority of my sweaters had a low a quality: after several washes they looked bad.
I have started with a simple project: a scarf. I bought a very nice and modern yarn and the result was awesome. It looked extremely modern and the feedback I received was very positive (even I haven't knitted for a quite a long period of time).

This experience brought me some benefits and convinced me to continue:

1. Knitting is fun
Choosing yarns and combining colors can be extremely fun. I feel like a child choosing his toys. Nowadays, there are so many types of  interesting yarns.  It is a real pleasure to knit them.

2. Great satisfaction
 A finished project gives you the sense of accomplishment and even increases self esteem.

3. Distraction from technology
When I come home from work I might be tempted to look at TV or stay long hours at PC. After that I feel very tired and have the feeling that I have wasted my time.

I combine a session of knitting with good music or an audiobook and I feel awesome.

4. Reduces stress & therapeutic value
It is a proven scientific fact that knitting is used an anti-depressant .

We realize that we are feeding our mind with useless thoughts because we do not have something else to focus on.When we find something we like, we concentrate on that thing and all other problems seem to vanish away. Just switching the attention to create, puts on hold other things on our mind.

Other benefits:

5. I have some research on the internet and found that are studies showing that crafting protects the brain from damage caused by aging.

6. Socializing potential
You can meet people with the same hobby.

Enjoy knitting!